Thursday 29 January 2015

FlexCom's New weeConomy

To be more efficient in their business dealings, FlexCom has created a new portal for merchants and customers. Welcome to the new weeConomy.

weeCONOMY - the new economic concept

The weeCONOMY is a global movement which connects online, in order to establish a new form of consumerism and economic activity. FlexCom is now the flagship for a movement, advocating greater protection of the interests of consumers.

In the weeCONOMY, everyone does business with one another and everyone profits from each other. FlexCom's mission is to give all consumers the chance to profit regularly with just their weeCard or weeApp from their everyday shopping activity, all around the world.

These profits are in the form of  a choice of real cash, or pure gold, which customers can monitor from their weePhone.

This is already happening in 22 countries. Some FlexCom merchants in Trinidad and Tobago are already a part of this movement.

Giving Discounts and Cash Back

In the weeConomy, customers can get their favourite stores listed in the international FlexCom network, so that those stores will institute discounts and cash back for everyone to enjoy.

To do this, the customer simply signs up online as a "micro-jobber" - this is someone who does small jobs for pay.

FlexCom will reward the individual with a choice of cash, or gold, after the store becomes activated in the FlexCom discount loyalty card system. This is indeed a legitimate way for all customers to earn money part-time from FlexCom merchants.

Benefits To Merchants

This activity works to the benefit of the store owner because once the customer receives a discount the person leaves happy, will probably tell his friends about the store and come back to shop there again and again.

For the store owner, this means more profits and more loyal customers. Once the new customer is given a card or app, the merchant will earn when the individual goes shopping elsewhere in other FlexCom affiliated stores worldwide. It is indeed worthwhile for merchants to join and become a FlexCom merchant.

Benefits To Charity

FlexCom has involved its customers in helping to think about less fortunate children, every time they get cash back. FlexCom promotes fairness as the highest priority in the  weeCONOMY. That is why the Company will help wherever it can and support international aid projects for children.

How does it work?

The customer is given 4 choices of how much of a donation of his given cash back to benefactor to FlexCharity. This is a fund used to assist the various charitable organizations in that particular country.

Customers can choose what percentage of their wee cash back should be donated to children.

FlexCom exclusively supports children in need together with recognised aid organisations. This is completely voluntary, so that 100% of all the wee cash- back donated, arrives wherever it is needed the most. FlexCom merchants are indeed encouraged to practice philanthropy with FlexCharity.